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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Soldier

I passed a soldier the other day,
Talking to his family far away.
He gave his love, claiming all would be "alright"
They need not fear, he was far from the fight.

I asked him why he chose this life,
Away from his family and wife,
He said it was for their rights,
That he would always choose to fight.

That day, his words stuck with me,
That for their rights, he wouldn't flee.
He would fight for his beliefs,
For others, he delivers relief.

Months later, I would see him in the news,
There would be a fight. One he would lose.
He fought bravely, and not in vain.
Many enemy soldiers he had slain.

His friends were in dire straights
They needed help, before it was too late.
Three soldiers owe him their life,
He left behind two kids, and a wife.

I tell this tale not to make you sad,
Though I know, there are those that will get mad.
These words were written, tears in eyes,
For all those soldiers, families, lives.

A solder right now fights for rights,
Be they ours, or under some distant lights.
Even when they are very far,
Their heart sits next to all of ours.

So when you see a soldier in the street,
Make a point to give a greet.
They have families just like you,
In this country of Red, White & Blue.

Author: SGT Bybee, Jace K


  1. Good first poem man. I'm proud to call you my friend.

  2. You take my heart with you where ever you go. Your poem is beautiful.
